Privacy Center

Aeries Student Information System is utilized by hundreds of local education agencies (LEAs) to help manage the data of over 2.5 million students each day. At the corner of education and technology (EdTech), Aeries Software understands that there are risks involved by schools utilizing its products and services for student data collection and retention. That is why it is of paramount priority that Aeries Software designs its products with privacy and security in mind at all times.

  • We don’t share any of your information or students’ information with advertisers or marketers
  • We don’t own anything tracked within a school district’s system
  • Student data is private to the school district
  • We use the industry best practices to protect data
  • We are compliant with FERPA, COPPA, HIPAA, SOPIPA, CALIFORNIA Education Code 49073.1 (formerly AB-1584), and more