User Groups
Collaborative Aeries User Communities
Connect with likeminded Aeries users, while expanding your knowledge.
What is a User Group?
User groups are communities and resources managed by Aeries users. These meetings allow attendees to increase shared knowledge, exchange best practices, and find solutions to pressing issues.
Are User Group Meetings Led by Aeries Staff?
No. User groups are intended to be used as a space for Aeries users to discuss. While Aeries staff may be present at meetings, our intent is to listen and learn from you!
How Do I Join a User Group?
We are so excited that you are interested in joining a user group. Please contact the listed representative so that you can get started!
Are User Group Meetings Led by Aeries Staff?
We’d be happy to help you get started! Please fill out this form if you do not see a user group in your area.
Find a Group
Please select a region
Southern California | Northern California | Texas | Online
Southern California Groups
Kern County/Fruitvale CA
Foothill User Group
Foothill – LA/Riverside/San Bernardino
Leader:Â Diana Taylor
Orange County Aeries Group
Orange County School Districts & surrounding Areas (guests welcome)
Leader:Â Thomas Tan
Best Net Aeries Advisory Group
San Bernardino County
Leader: Maggie Bunton
Santa Monica/Malibu User Group
Santa Monica/Malibu
Leader: Bertha Roman
High Desert
Apple Valley, Hesperia, Victorville, and surrounding areas
Leader: Sabrina Bow
Northern California Groups
Sierra Nevada
Eastern Sierra, Nevada, Placer, and El Dorado Counties (89 Corridoor)
Leader: Ed Hilton, Chelsea Walterscheid, & Sherry Ross
Silicon Valley
Santa Clara County, San Benito County, Santa Cruz County, Monterey County
Leader: Alicia Arizmendi & Alex Mijares
Redwood Empire
Northern Sonoma County and surrounding area
Leader: Laura White and Linda Zabala
Sonoma County and Marin County Area
Leader:Â Daniel Mikkola
Eastern Sierra Aeries Collaborative
Eastern Sierra
Leaders: Justin Norcross & Lisa Okamoto